There have been a large number of people who have helped me to get this website up and running and I am very grateful for the help I have received.
A big thank you to:
- All the anonymous (and non-anonymous, or whatever the opposite of anonymous is) contributors for their case study stories;
- The authors, publishers, government departments, organizations and companies who allowed me to reproduce material – Penguin books, Noel Whittaker, Neil Jenman, Choice, Richard Denniss, Clive Hamilton, Allen and Unwin book publishers, Anita Bell, Pluto Australia, That company called IF, Morningstar, ABC TV, The Reserve Bank of Australia, Real Estate Institute of Victoria and AMP Capital Investors;
- CIT Solutions;
- The people who helped me track down material, in particular Roger Tomkins and David Gribble;
- Everyone who helped with the photos, including Andrew Meares, Tim Stevens, Antony Livsey, Matt Roberts, Fiona McAlister, Susan McDonald, Two Men and a Truck Removals, and Estelle Blackburn;
- The cartoonists who graciously allowed me to reproduce their work – Michael Mucci, Andrew Dyson, and John Shakespeare.
- Everyone who looked over the content and provided feedback – Emma Thornett, Rohan Wenn, Nick Xenophon, Chris Haggarty, Sam Bacon, Bella Counihan, Simon Nash, Jackson Roberts;
- John Barrington for the voice coaching;
- The Dickhead Productions team – Jenny Magee, Adam Kennedy, Matt Bulley, Geoff Kemp, Parnos Munyard, Luke Stephenson, Irene Olney, Roger Davis, Andrew Greene, Dale Fletcher, Andrew Tillett, Ed Reading and Rueben Chambers. But especially to Chris Legge and Alex Zuk who are the reason the videos look so great;
- As always to Mum and Dad for your continuing support;
- To Rowan Stenhouse – an awesome website from an awesome developer, and to Cynthia who has put up with lots of our crap;
- And finally to the person who has put up with more than anybody else, to the woman who appears in lots of photos and 3 videos, to the person who has supported my dream to get this information out there for years, the only person to have attended 2 courses, the person who has heard me rant and rave far too much. Claudia. Thank you my beautiful wife. This is for you.